

12 Days of Giving Sale starts today 11/10/22

The sale you have waited for all year starts TODAY!

Are you ready for the HUGE savings while giving back to local charities? The 12 Days of Giving will run from today Thursday, November 10th until midnight Monday, November 21st! 

With so many delicious things to choose from at BRAVO!, Broad Street, and Sal & Mookie’s, and one easy card to use at ALL three restaurants, our 3-in-1 Gift Card is the perfect gift this holiday season.

For every 3 you buy you get 1 FREE, to sneak in your stocking or save for a special treat! PLUS, we LOVE to join all of you in the giving spirit so we are going to donate 10% of your purchase to a charity of your choice!

But WAIT, there is MORE!!! Sal & Mookie’s Madison is taking part in this sale too! This means you can BUY 3 Gift Cards to Sal & Mookie’s Madison, THEY will DONATE 10% of your purchase amount to the charity of your choice, AND you will receive one FREE GIFT CARD to treat yourself when you visit our friends and partners up north! Now that is what we call a SWEET DEAL!

Check out this year’s commercials!




Charity Nominations for the 12 Days of Giving Sale start TODAY!

Nominations for the 12 Days of Giving
annual gift card sale start today!

As soon as the weather turns cool, we get really excited at BRAVO!, Broad Street, and Sal & Mookie’s.
Because it means our favorite time of the year is almost here: our 12 Days of Giving Gift Card Sale! Every year, we host our annual, 12-day gift card sale where you get to save, and we get to give back to our community.

The details: you buy 3 gift cards, and you get the 4th one free. Then we give 10% of the value of your purchase to 1 of 12 community-nominated charities. And you get to tell us which one! Now that’s a sweet deal.

Plus, the top 12 charities will be assigned a month in 2023 where they will be our sponsored charity.

  • Every Monday is Coffee Monday at Broad Street – the sponsored charity will receive 10% from Broad Street for drip coffee sales.
  • Every Tuesday is Shake It Up Tuesday at Sal & Mookie’s Jackson – the sponsored charity will receive 10% from milkshake sales.
  • Plus, Corks for Charity at BRAVO! – when a guest buys a bottle of wine at BRAVO! they can donate their cork to charity. At the end of the month, we draw (2) corks, and the guests who donated receive a $25 gift card and the charity receives a check for the price of the bottle of wine.

And for the last 7 years, because of YOU, we have given away over $10,000 in gift cards every year. That’s $10,000 to feed vulnerable populations, support volunteers, and raise much-needed funds. Because of you.

So now, we need you to roll up your sleeves and… nominate.

Yep, we need you to take ONE WHOLE MINUTE to nominate your favorite Metro-Jackson charity to become part of the 12 Days of Giving.

Think you can handle it?

Nominations must be in by midnight on October 31st!

Good luck!

Click Here to Nominate Your Charity!


Buy 3, Get 1 Free Gift Card Sale is HERE!

This Year’s Gift Card Sale Means So Much More!

This year has been hard, the uncertainty overwhelming. What we have seen is the incredible strength of our team, the desire to work hard, have fun, and make others happy.

We’re in the hospitality business… our passion is to make wonderful food, provide great service, and offer a warm welcome to all.

Things have been different this year, but our spirit of giving remains unbroken as we once again offer our annual holiday gift card sale!  The sale starts Friday, November 12th, and runs through midnight on Tuesday, November 23rd.

And, as always, as you stock up on our free gift cards, (buy 3 and get 1 free, any denominations are fine, no limit to the amount you want to buy), we will once again give 10% of that sale to one of the 12 charities chosen by our customers as beneficiaries of the sale!

From the bottom of our hearts, we say “Thank You”… thank you for your support, your love, and your business.  It means the world to all of us.

Jeff Good & Dan Blumenthal, and the BRAVO!, Broad Street, and Sal & Mookie’s Crew



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Gather. Relax. Savor.

We have proudly served delicious Italian food in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere in the heart of Jackson since 1994. And with 28+ years of Wine Spectator awards, our wines are just as good as our food.

Connect with BRAVO!

 Phone: (601) 982-8111

 Social Media:     

 Email: info@bravobuzz.com

4500 Interstate 55 Frontage Rd, Highland Village Suite 244, Jackson, MS 39211

© 1994 - 2025 Mangia Bene Restaurant Management Group Inc. All Rights Reserved.

All Photos Courtesy of Tom Beck Photography. All Rights Reserved.